Customers are those who you want to reach. It is crucial and critical to get your reach and messages across to the right audiences who will turn into your customers. These customers in turn will buy your products or services and patronize your brand. In all these, Facebook helps you find the right audience in your niche.
How to Create Facebook Audiences?
To find the right audience is to click on the Business Manager tool. Click on the top-right menu and select “Audiences”.
On the “Audiences” page, you can create new or maintain former audiences. You can choose saved audiences, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences which gives you plenty of choices to pick the right target audience for your ads.
How to target people based on an area?
Type in the regions you wish to reach or target. You can pick a Country, State/Region, Counties,
Designated Market Area (DMA), City, Postal Code, and Specific Address Radius. To be more specific, you can target people who live in the said area, people who recently visited the said area, people traveling to this area, and everyone in the said area.
How to target people based on demographics?
You can target people based on age. You can reach them by typing in a specific age range and finding your ideal customers. You can also type in a specific gender to target. Also if you want to target a particular language of people who can understand your ads. Type in the language you need. You can even create specifics like ethnicity, political views, life events, job titles, and so on.
How to target people based on interests?
Learn to type in the interests keyword and Facebook will suggest related topics or simply choose one interest based on the menu drop-down selector. You can even add more interests for a broader exploration.
How to target people based on behavior?
Facebook using analytical tools can help you target people’s behaviors based on what they recently liked, where they have been, events they liked, anniversaries, and so on. Check them out and see if they can work for your business.
How to create Facebook Custom Audience?
To do so, create a Facebook Custom Audience, choose the “Customer File” option, pick whether you like to add a customer file or get contacts from MailChimp, Import your customer data to create a new Custom Audience, Pick the relevant identifiers, upload a customer file and get your Custom Audience a name.
How to create Facebook Custom Audience based on Website Traffic?
Custom Audiences based on Website Traffic are people who have seen your ads and have pledged some high-value loyalty to your ads. In this, install Facebook Pixel and you’ll be on your way.
How to Create Facebook Custom Audiences on App Activity?
To do this, target people who have taken specific actions or are involved in events in your app. You can also choose a timeframe for your selected app. This can be done by registering your app and setting up events like finding people who recently reached through your iOS or Android.
How to Create Facebook Custom Audiences on Engagement?
People who visited your page liked or commented on your posts, followed your page, clicked on the call-to-action button or sent a message, or even saved your posts. This allows you to reach high-end customers who are loyal to your product, brand, or service.
How to create Facebook Lookalike Audiences?
Type what kind of customers you want to reach. Select the “Lookalike” audience menu and pick a percentage and a target country’s Facebook users. Lookalike audiences expand your reach so that you can reach those who matter.
How to be more specific in your target Audiences?
Audiences are quite a lot so to speak. Consider typing in multiple categories so you can narrow down the long list. In turn, this creates niche audiences. You can even EXCLUDE other audiences to narrow it down far better.