A powerful marketing platform you can use online is Facebook. With the average American spending more time on the internet, Facebook has grown into the largest social network to have survived and thrived. Coupled with advancements in technology, brands find a way to reach potential clients on a more intimate level and an easier way. Whether you’re just building your Facebook empire, we’re here to give you tips on the do’s and don’ts. I say, carry on!
Facebook Algorithm
Algorithm decides when and where a business’ organic page posts and ads would appear. It changes and evolves over time. Figuring things out on Facebook Algorithms is a start to finding if your effort is worth your time and reach.
Facebook Algorithm Do’s and Don’ts
Facebook Algorithm has been measuring if a post is interesting or interactive. It has the most likes, shares or comments or any engagement in a short time. What Facebook doesn't like are spam and repetitive content that tends to be promotional.
Facebook Ads
Known as the big black box that is hard to understand. The amount you put as bid is measured as a part only in terms of relevance, quality and estimated action rate. It is user-focused and targets the best audiences based on algorithms too.
This includes matching your messages to a target audience, determining which promotional paid ads are effective and choosing the right goals for your overall ad campaign.
Putting Business on Facebook
There are many ways to promote your brand on Facebook. It is essential that you understand their pros and cons. In turn, this will help determine what suits your brand’s campaign.
Features of Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing is a creative way to promote your brand. Here are things that you can do to promote your brand through Facebook.
Profile Option
This option includes getting a personal or business profile setting. It attracts your family and friends, helps potential customers contact you directly and add a personal touch to the things you do online. The downside is that you get a hard time scaling and promoting your business. If you’re opting for a business touch, then do so with a business profile. Also, be aware of your profile listing and make sure you know what your colleagues or friends are viewing.
Business profile page allows you to separate your personal profile. It keeps your account in good standing.
Facebook Groups.
Groups are communities which you can reach through your personal profile page, with like-minded individuals that discuss and share ideas through a common interest. Trimmed into a purpose, you get to be part of your chosen field or industry.
Maximize Facebook Business Page.
Your Facebook business page is linked to your personal profile so that Facebook knows who owns the page. As a whole, Facebook Business Page has its own presence which allows you to promote your brand or product. You can use the analytical tools, post scheduling and other features that will help you grow your business.
Market your business through Facebook Groups.
Through Facebook Groups, you have an opportunity to market your product and allow lead generation. You can also organize your content in an orderly manner called units.
Advertising on Facebook.
Facebook ads allow you to target potential clients and promote your brand to a targeted audience. Facebook allows your brand to generate leads, drive website traffic, increase sales and brand awareness.
Creating Business Facebook Events
This includes reaching fans, followers and customers which may be done through a webinar, product launch, grand opening or live celebration. Add the venue and sponsors as co-hosts to your event.
Facebook Messenger
It is a powerful support tool that is accurate both for customer care and as a marketing strategy.
Facebook Insights
It helps marketers analyze and report on their marketing efforts. You can see how an audience responds to your marketing, reveal users’ interaction and persona, as well as shed light on your customer care value.
Facebook Analytics
Facebook Analytics allows you to determine the specific return on your investment because it can be used for direct spending on an ad. It tracks all your marketing and advertising efforts.
Facebook Marketing through Videos
Videos allow you to market and engage with potential customers through videos. The intention of a video is to make your audience watch the whole video through.
Facebook Live Video
It is the best way to generate leads. It doesn’t need to be a costly preposition. Comments, share and likes can create a unique way of users’ experience.
All in all, Facebook offers opportunities for marketing your brand. You just have to have the right tools and equip yourself with the right knowledge. Whether paid or organic ads, you can reach potential customers. Whether you’re a newbie or experienced marketer, Facebook helps you position brand awareness. Enjoy all the benefits Facebook can offer.