What is a Facebook Group?
It consists of people with similar interests essential for building a community. The first step is to learn to figure out who will be your audience. You must have a specific target in mind. You can also use it for lead generation to connect with ideal customers.
A Facebook Group should also provide information for people who are alike based on interests. Knowing which ones to reach and help out with will allow you to easily describe your Group.
Tips on Growing Your Facebook Group Without Advertising
Tip # 1
Create good content and use @mention.
Quality content is king more than quantity. Make good posts and automate some posts by scheduling them. Refrain from spamming them with irrelevant information but rather create scheduled content weekly. You can share your Group ID through your profile. You may even connect the Group link to your description or bio.
Tip # 2
Promote it in other groups.
This is the tricky part - not all Facebook groups would want to promote another Facebook group. So be ready when your requested post doesn’t get accepted. Write things like “Permission to Post Admin” and “Delete it if it’s against your rules”. Asking permission is key but not being permitted also means that there will be no hard feelings.
Tip # 3
Encourage existing members to promote your Group.
Use existing members to attract new members. You can start by making a post in your group for people to share your group page or link and to like and follow you. Ask them to help people like to feel they can help even in simple things like sharing a link or post.
Tip # 4
Connect with influencers for them to join your Group.
Influencers are famous people in a certain niche. Ask them to join your group and eventually tag them in your post or content. Tagging them publicly gives way for them to check out your group.
Tip # 5
Promote your Group on other Social Media Platforms.
People just don’t hang out on Facebook. They are everywhere. With various social platforms nowadays, it’s important to be everywhere too. Be on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and other platforms. Direct them or even link your pages to where they can find you.
Strategies for Making People Stay in Your Group
Strategy # 1
Avoid and prevent Spam. Spamming makes a repetitive task of posting content that is irrelevant or there just for the sake of posting. When you post, make sure that it is aligned with an objective of your Page or Group’s interest.
Strategy # 2
Encourage interactions and engagement.
It is more fun when people feel comfortable in the group. Much more, when they feel safe. Also, engagements - likes, reactions, comments, and share makes for a good Group. The more people who interact with you in a way feel more valued and important.
Strategy # 3
Use a specific theme on a certain day.
There are times that you should get their attention with a themed post frequently posted on a certain day of the week. Like calling Thursdays “Throwback Thursdays” and posting old photos related to your niche. Maintain the frequency of your post so that people can expect your posting during those themed days.
Strategy # 4
Use Facebook Live.
Facebook Live uses real-time videos. It helps increase engagement with your Group or Page. Make use of this feature wisely.
Facebook Groups are a good way of promoting interests and fostering communities. It allows more engagement. It is a promising feature of the Facebook platform for any marketer who wants to be successful.